Bikini Musings


But... bikini season can be complicated, ya? It doesn’t matter if you’re in high school or you’re in your 60s - if you’re a woman, chances are you’ve slipped on your suit and picked apart your body.


Fat. Ew. How did I get cellulite dimples overnight? Omg, I can’t wear this in public. I think I wanna just go to the beach by myself. Why did I eat such a giant lunch?
Regina George has nothing on the way a girl can treat herself.
Two nights ago, my roomie hung a little note on our bathroom mirror that reads: “Your words are powerful. Be careful how you talk to yourself.” And it’s something I’m committed to focusing on.
I hope you enjoy your summer. That it’s filled with bare feet and fireflies and smooches in between fireworks and full days on the beach and watermelon on the porch swing with your mom.
I hope you wear your kini proudly no matter how many gym days and cookie dough nights you’ve had.
But most of all, I hope you choose to be kind… especially to yourself.
PC: @kapplephotography