Habits the Q Gave Me: No. 4 Intermittent Fasting


(Who else is into this?)

I’ve touched on it in Instagram stories a bit, but I’ll dive in more because I’ve been LOVING it!

I wish it was called something else because it sounds like your doing something scary or mean to yourself every day. When really it’s just being more conscious of when you’re nourishing yourself and when you’re letting your insides have a little break from working so hard for you.

***Same amount of calories though (Because hello! You don’t want to send your poor body into a frenzy and accidentally make it worry it’s starving…).



Eat for 8 hours and don’t for 16 (though there are plenty of other ratios folks prefer!). 

In the mornings now, I just have coffee with organic heavy whipping cream (no carbs, sugars, or protein unlike half & half which has all of those and counts as breaking the fast) and lots of H2O until 10:30/11 a.m. ish when I have breakfast which means I stop eating around 6:30/7 p.m. ish.

The basics are that simple! (But I’m certainly still learning the nitty gritty and best practices for sure!)

I started on accident in Dec due to stress completely shutting off my appetite and turning me from a wake-up-and-eat-breakfast-immediately girl to making-myself-eat-enough girl (10 out of 10 would not recommend moving, quitting your job but having to keep it on the DL for two months, AND planning an international sabbatical all during the busiest time of year lollll). However, I consciously started around April. 

I became aware of:

1.) How often I was just eating out of habit (especially in the a.m. when I was def still full from the evening before). 

2.) How often I was confusing evening bottomless pit munchies with dehydration.

3.) My body is happier not having to work with a capital W around the clock (and mega plus has a chance to clean out the bleh cells during the rest time).

4.) That most of my crazy sugar consumption happens after dinner or at breakfast. It made it easier to cut out sugar (which I did for the month of June) because when I was breaking the fast in the a.m. I was HUNGRY. I didn’t want a bunch of sugary treats. I wanted a bunch of delicious fuel! Also I couldn’t eat super late evening snacks so hot tea became my new habit instead of ice cream. 

5.) I def have more energy (especially around 3 p.m. when I used to get v sleepy without fail every afternoon).



Resources To Get You Started

If You’re Interested in Giving it a Try!

1.) Autumn Bates!


Autumn Bates is a clinical nutritionist who has an epic YouTube that has been so fun to dive into! I’ve made a dent in the videos she’s created and they’ve answered so many of my FAQs!

NOTE: Be sure whoever you’re getting advice from is certified and an educated professional. (She is!)

2.) The Skinny Confidential Him & Her podcast!


This power couple are some of my top people to follow on IG! They are hysterical, unique, and a hardworking duo who are on their way to building a podcasting empire. I had friends who did IF, but it wasn’t till I heard Lauryn going into detail about how she was integrating it into her life/schedule. (This girl is all about specifics, you’ll love!)

They have several that talk about IF, but I liked these two the most!

“How to Intermittent Fast, The Myths and Truths Behind Intermittent Fasting”

“The Real Keto Kiet, Intermittent Fasting, & Longevity with Primal Kitchen”