Avocado + Grilled Corn + Cilantro Summer Salad

Mark my words, I will eat this every day this summer.



  • 3 sweet corn on the cob (purchase within husk for extra freshness!)

  • 1 large avocado

  • 10 heirloom baby tomatoes

  • 1/4 of a bell pepper

  • 1 box of fresh romaine (I use either Organic Girl or the Sprouts brand)

  • handful of fresh cilantro

  • 1/2 cup-ish of mozzarella cheese

  • 1 lime

  • salt

  • garlic powder


  1. Strip the corn of it’s husk. Lightly douse with avocado oil, salt, and garlic powder and put it on a baking sheet lined with a foil sheet. Roast it in the oven at 400 degrees and turn it with tongs eery 15 minutes until all sides are good and toasty (think toasted marshmallow!)

  2. While that’s roasting –– chop avocado, tomatoes, bell pepper, cilantro (leaves only), mozzarella cheese, and romaine into v small pieces.

  3. Take corn out of the oven and after 10ish minutes to cool, shave off all the corn their cobs.

  4. Mix everything in a large mixing bowl. Top with lime juice and a teeny bit more salt to taste. (I am super adverse to dressing on this! The creaminess of the avocado and cheese is more than enough!)